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Sample external page that integrates with GuppY

Basic page

This sample page is to be found in pages/sample.php

This page will be displayed in GuppY's main central box. Thus you see how to integrate external PHP or HTML pages with GuppY, so that these pages are displayed in the main box and not in a new window.

Creation date : 06/12/2004 @ 04:00
Last update : 20/03/2012 @ 13:52
Category : Insert an external page
Page read 43314 times

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Reactions to this article

Reaction #73 

by peter 01/08/2017 @ 14:55

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Reaction #72 

by robinjack 01/08/2017 @ 13:06

About six out of 10 CSU graduates last spring were female -- a complete reversal over the past four decades. Some campuses, like Dominguez Hills and Stanislaus, have almost twice as many women as men, feeling eerily like women's colleges.

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