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5. Les deux premiers groupes d'icônes vous permettent de paramétrer votre site web (langues, apparence, services à activer, etc.), de le maintenir (mais vous n'en avez pas encore besoin) et de changer le mot de passe d'administration (faites le tout de suite !). Prenez bien le temps de remplir correctement les formulaires qui se trouvent dans les 6 icônes "Config".
Cette étape est indispensable .

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- A n'importe quel moment, vous pouvez remettre le mot de passe à "pass" juste en rechargeant par FTP le fichier admin/mdp.

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Data creazione : 06/12/2004 @ 04:00
Ultima modifica : 23/03/2012 @ 18:08
Categoria : GuppY
Pagina letta 2893 volte

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Opinioni su questo articolo

Commento n. 94 

da robinjack il 25/07/2017 @ 11:49

The two day event will be divided into local and regional management issues. There will be a total of 6 sessions on the local issues in Day 1 and Day 2.
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Commento n. 93 

da robinjack il 23/07/2017 @ 11:20

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Commento n. 92 

da peter il 22/07/2017 @ 12:42

I welcomed your work exceptionally thanks

Commento n. 91 

da robinjack il 22/07/2017 @ 12:07

Stingray City is located in the Cayman Islands on a natural sandbar in the North sound. Over the past decades the spot has become a main attraction for tourist visiting by cruise ship. Stingray City in the Cayman Islands is the only natural stingray city in the world. Other locations such as the Bahamas, Jamaica and Antigua were all created years after the Cayman Islands. No matter if you live next to the ocean or miles away, we recommend taking advantage of this once in a life time adventure. We are listed as the top company offering service in the Cayman Islands to Stingray City sandbar and Starfish Point ( Prior to arriving in the Cayman Islands, you can arrange a trip with us by submitting a few short details such as ship name or resort details, date of tour, departure time, and you're all set! We’ll do the rest and ensure you have a wonderful time. Stingray City Cayman Islands is located on the main port terminal in the Cayman Islands, and does provide free shuttle to vessel station and back from local resorts and the Royal Watler Port Terminal.
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Commento n. 90 

da robinjack il 22/07/2017 @ 12:07

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