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Webmaster - Infos
gyslogo.gifGuppY - Configuration

1.To manage the configuration of your site, please register as member (Preferences box).

2. Click on the Admin icon in the top bar.

3. A prompt for a password appears. Key in "pass" (without the quote marks). You will need to hurry up to change this default password in the administration menu!

4. And there you are in the administration interface.

5. The two first sets of icons are made to set the parameters of your web site (languages, look & feel, services to activate, etc...), to maintain it (but you don't need to do it yet) and to change the administration password (do it right now !). Take the time to fill in correctly the forms that are called by the 6 "Config" icons.
This step is compulsory.

6. All other icons allow you to manage the content of your web site with a very intuitive interface.


- At any time, you can reset your password to "pass" just by uploading back by FTP the    admin/mdp.php file.

- After uploading your site by FTP you must update General management.

- Perhaps you will need to change accessrights for skin configuration files:

    chmod skin/your_skin/ 666

    chmod skin/your_skin/style.css 666

Creation date : 06/12/2004 @ 04:00
Last update : 23/03/2012 @ 18:08
Category : GuppY
Page read 10401 times

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Reactions to this article

Reaction #155 

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Reaction #154 

by peter 22/08/2017 @ 08:41

The serotonin reuptake inhibitor medications, together with the feeling stabilization they cause, also have a tendency to insensitize the patient against a wide range of stimuli. Among the manifestations of this desensitization is normally delayed ejaculation. This is due to the fact that Tramadol génerates a positive disposition rather than the mental rigidity of typical serotonin reuptake inhibitór (SSRI) antidepressants. Thése characteristics make tramadol a drug even more conducive to sexual activity compared to the latter. This explains why this analgesic provides reported important benefits for treating premature ejaculation.

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